Adding Articles

OK guys I do allow people to post on the site BUT unlike other people I don’t accept any old garbage.

First of all English must be your first and native language, it’s very, very easy to tell if it isn’t!

The content MUST

  1. Be at least 400 words long, but the longer the better within reason
  2. Be interesting – not saying it has to be groundbreaking but it should interest my readers AND add some value.  I want publish posts that don’t really say anything and just ramble on.
  3. It should have something to do with finance, legal claims against banks are OK because I love stiffing the banks as are some income generation posts but I will limit those. Anything to do with debt, debt management or thrift strategies goes down well with my readership
  4. Best if you can send an image
  5. Format it I like using H4 tags for sub headlines.

Other than that impress me!

I’m quite happy to publish on the same topic several times and welcome regular contributors.  Your job is to make my life easy and excite and inform the visitors to the site.

Oh and finally only write on topics you genuinenly have some knowledge on otherwise your wasting everyone’s time.


Big Bad Bill :)